
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CROSSroads' Recovery Breakfast

Here are just a few photos of the AWESOME recovery breakfast that was hosted at Faith Fellowship Church by CROSSroads. Four local churches each took a Saturday to host a recovery breakfast to bring an awareness about the drug addiction in town to their congregation and lay people, and this week was our turn. It was a gathering of the recovery community, area churches, law enforcement, concerned parents, and members of the community that want to know how they can help the addiction problem in Marshfield. There was worship, delicious food, testimonies, teaching, and preaching~ all courtesy of many guest speakers of the recovery community (including alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, celebrate recovery, and the drug court program)and fellow churches. There was also  resource sharing,  lots of prayer and connections made thanks to of all of the amazing people in the community who voulenteered their time to make it possible . We specifically highlighted the need for restoration homes where addicts could live free of charge for 9-12 months as they learn about God and how to live drug free. Thank you to everyone who came out, and for everyone that was involved! It was truly a joy to listen to the speakers, fellowship, and eat delicious food! You all made it possible- through planning, cooking, coordinating, inviting people, and teaching. All my husband and I did was supply the venue, introduce the great speakers, enjoy and  eat  ;) It was such a wonderful time of fellowship!

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