
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Yes, my husband really is that great!

 The past few days have been hard. I broke my ankle (again!) in a freak accident Monday night. This is the second time in less than a year and a half! Having a broken ankle means that I can't do what I normally do, and that I have to depend on my husband much more than usual. Which is really hard for someone who is self sufficient and likes to be in control of their environment!
 Bless my husband's heart, not only has he put up with my mood swings that come and go with the pain, but today he came home with a dozen roses, a bouquet of wildflowers, a box of chocolates, and a Starbucks gift card- then helped me hobble out to the car where he took me out to our local Thai restaurant for lunch! He really knows how to lift a girl's spirits!
I am so appreciative that God has blessed me with such a caring man who is by my side through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. I really don't know what I would do without him. I'm so thankful that I can take the time to rest and heal that I need to, because he is there picking up the slack and doing all he can to raise my spirits!

Now, if I could just get out of this darned boot and off of these crutches! Four to six weeks to go!

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